Wednesday, July 30, 2008


  • "Pyrrhus said to one who was congratulating him on his victory, 'If we are victorious in one more such battle we shall be utterly ruined.' For he had lost a great part of the forces with which he came, and all his friends and generals except a few." (Plutarch)
  • "A fiduciary duty the highest standard of care imposed at either equity or law."
  • Impeachment results: Unshocking.
  • Opportunist of the week: Eric Wolf.
  • Big winners: O&B (gained favorable Alligator coverage); MaryGrace Bell (looks better and better as an actually competent SBP); BSU (for saving one of their own after giving Justin Bell and Lewis Curtwright the heave-ho).
  • Big losers: Ad hoc Gator whip Shire Patel (who should have been running that thing like Billy Flynn); the none-too-subtle-or-successful Kellie Dale (who tried to dissuade the Gator Party, from the chair, from voting to affirm that words in the Student Body Constitution aren't in the Constitution)
  • Most amusing part of the night: Drayton's use of the non-word infactual in his letter read by Reilly. You need to really try to choose a wrong word when you mean "not true." Note to the SBT/future captain of industry: Try some Safire sometime.


Anonymous said...

It's always sexy when Kellie turns bright red at the front of the room

Anonymous said...

Me thinks this impeachment thing sunk the Senate leadership's (read Kellie's) stock within the Gator Party even lower.


Anonymous said...

Kellie is a great and unbiased chair youjust dont like her because you lie

Anonymous said...

The writer of this blog is retarded. Lewis Curtwright had no affiliation with BSU when he was ousted. Anyways it's common knowledge that Black+Gay=Not Black.

francisco said...

Lewis was HSA...but then again, Lewis was Lewis and he was a pretty cool Senator.

Axis of Axiom said...

Is there REALLY an MGB movement for president? Its no wonder O&B is pushing a candidate they realize is weaker than the IFC front-runner. So weak that she possibly gives them a shot to have influence in the top seat. JJ is clearly going to be the System candidate in '09. We all know MGB couldn’t lead with any force and avoids conflict at all cost. JJ would have to become as incompetent as KLD to screw this one up.

Anonymous said...

I like this blog's style. We need more posts.about Sam. None of us will get to see him or the next few weeks because of the trip

Anonymous said...

axis of axiom, find a new name and try again

Anonymous said...

Luis was HSA? How about we check our facts? Luis was a cross between LUIS and BSU.

francisco said...

Buddy, Lewis worked on HSA events, regularly attended HSA meetings, could be found hanging out at La Casita, is crazy about South America, speaks Spanish and Portuguese, and is currently in Brazil.

Lewis may have been active in BSU but I always thought of him as more wanting to identify with the HSA and Hispanic crowd and why the hell not? Every group on campus is open and can accept everyone as a member. Besides Lewis is a mix of the races if I'm not mistaken, and (again) was an cool Senator!

Anonymous said...

It's always sexy that Kellie's nipple is plainly visible during every meeting.

Anonymous said...

Only one?

Anonymous said...

Spessard Holland > Andrew Sledd

Andrew Sledd said...

Fuck you.